Thought Bubbles We Dare Not Speak: HomeRun4Julian, John and Gabriel Shipton

Jude Fleming
3 min readJun 7, 2021


This article is speculation on what must be occupying the thoughts of John and Gabriel Shipton as they journey across the United States. It is speculation.

Julian is in jail based on British perversion of its own courts, right up to the UK Supreme Court. (Assange Exclusion Clause)

He is being murdered behind closed walls.

He is being tortured and is suffering.

Julian was robbed of ALL of his belongings when he was illegally removed from Ecuador’s embassy and handed to the British police as a trophy.

We don’t want to be on tour in the U.S. to campaign for our son and brother but if we didn’t, we would not be able to live with ourselves. We made a vow to Julian that we would do everything in our power to save him and that’s what we’re doing.

Help. Help. Help. Help. Help!

There are dark things happening behind the scenes which we cannot report. Julian’s adversaries are in plain sight, like wolves in sheep’s clothing. Don’t be deceived.

We are beggars. We are asking for donations for lawyers to defend our Julian. We have other lives to live back in Australia. We too are suffering. The best thing to keep us energized to do this work is to meet Julian’s supporters and to see throngs of people freaking out about press freedom and free speech.

We are angry about the injustice but we choose to smile and be invitational. We invite you into this power struggle. The people must win.

If you don’t care about being able to use the internet freely, then this campaign is not relevant to you. For everyone else who wants to text, email or call others, organize resistance against corrupt power, do research, be informed or have access to truthful information, we need you. Help.

We are exhausted but determined.

We are volunteers, not paid employees of a free-speech publishing organization or lawyers. We are emptying ourselves and our own finances to fight for Julian and future generations. Please be generous in your donations to the legal defence fund.

History is being written and the full facts of Julian’s case have been buried, covered-up and obfuscated. Our deepest desire is that the full facts will be reported and those responsible for corruption at the highest levels of governments will be held accountable. The historical record must expose the massive conspiracies, bribes, political influence and deliberate intentions to murder Julian. He knows too much. Published or not.

Freak out people or we are all in for totalitarianism, more attacks on our civil liberties and environmental destruction.

This is not a drill.

True story.



John and Gabriel Shipton.



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