Tell Your Kids About Julian Assange

Jude Fleming
3 min readMar 7, 2020


Fast forward to July, when everyone is planning camping trips, cottage rentals, hikes with the dog(s), Canada Day or July 4th celebrations, swimming in lakes and pools, eating ice cream and hanging at the beach.

Assange’s US Extradition Hearing/Trial in the UK ends in early June. By July the world will know if the U.K. (Britain) is an empire of democracy, rule of law and justice or an Empire of Deceit. Evidence of Supreme Court corruption, political interference, legal irregularities, reports of torture, harassment of his lawyers and even the “glass box” he has been stuck inside during court hearings all point to a grim future for our kids if we don’t speak up and turn up in support of Julian Assange now.

Why should you care about talking to your kids about Assange? For all the same reasons that anyone might support Greta Thunberg who is fighting for a sustainable future.

The story of Julian Assange has been complex over the past 10 years, but it really comes down to this: He’s the good guy who is trying to tell everyone on the planet that the “bosses of the world” are not being fair, sometimes hurt other people (torture), start wars, continue wars, don’t really want world peace, wreck the environment and lie a lot. Simplify it for your kids as all amazing parents and teachers do everyday. Ask your kids to draw pictures, make short videos (Tik Tock) and discuss who Julian Assange is. Let them know that he is still alive even though he is in prison for not even breaking the law. Let them know that they are living at a time in the world that is very important and may change the “rules of the world” while they grow up. So, that makes it really, really, really important for them to stand up for a guy who is standing up for them.

In my view, here are the main things kids need to know.

  1. Mr. Assange is a good guy. A dad. A person who reads a lot and is very good with computers. He is a writer, speaker, thinker and humanitarian.
  2. Human rights depend on journalists. Journalists are getting bullied to not tell the truth to everybody. The bullies are the people with a lot of money who don’t really care about human rights; they care about getting more money and they don’t care who gets sick or who dies.
  3. Mr. Assange is a journalist. He tells the truth, then gets in big trouble. He has suffered a lot for telling the truth. People who used to be his friend and co-workers were bullied so that they stopped being his friend and co-workers. Then those ex-friends told lies about him so other people wouldn’t listen to him or want to support his work. So it’s been very difficult for Mr. Assange and he almost died a few times.
  4. Mr. Assange has gotten extremely sick from all of the mean talk and behaviour and lawyers that ganged up on him after he told the truth and started a website for more people to tell the truth. Mr. Assange is still super smart, but he is getting bullied, almost to death. So, we need to help him out.
  5. There are things you can do to help Mr. Assange out and to help the world be a better place. He is a dad and a humanitarian. He wants to make the world safer and more fair to everyone so his kids and grandkids can have a healthy, truthful and loving future.

Please join in on this conversation, generate art activities, songs and rallies for your kids to do in the coming days. We don’t want Julian Assange to be shipped from Britain (the UK) over to the United States where he will be killed. He’s a good guy who we want around a long long time.


Don’t Extradite Assange



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