Role Descriptions During Revolutions
Complete that which needs completion. ~Zen saying
If a coalition of people needs to be built, build it.
If flights need to be flown. Fly them.
If zoom meetings need to happen, zoom them.
If luggage needs to be laundered and packed, clean and organize it.
If fundraising must be done, raise the funds.
If news needs to be shared, share it.
If bodies and minds need mending, mend them.
If panel discussions need to be discussed, discuss it all.
If court hearings need to be witnessed, get there and witness.
If vigils need to be held, candles need to be lit, hold and light them.
If blogs need to be written, write them.
Role descriptions in a time of revolution seem trite in the presence of a larger, heavily armed adversary. Role descriptions are superfluous to the cause.
Nike’s slogan is apt during revolutions. Just do it.
But don’t ever take payment for a job or a role or a task which you did not complete. I am grateful for the dedication, eloquence and fervour of Mr. John Shipton, father of Julian Assange who is doing the work of a Wikileaks CEO, without the paycheck. In fact, he is looking for rent, grocery and diaper funds here. As a strong advocate for press freedom, world peace and human transformation, he deserves our support.
I applaud John Shipton for doing a lot of the diplomatic legwork for Assange’s brainchild, Wikileaks. He deserves a paycheck from Wikileaks in my view! He does it freely, vigorously and effectively. Here is an article which relates to role descriptions and “doing someone else’s job”. I also applaud the work of Courage Foundation and the DEACampaign (Don’t Extradite Assange Campaign)!
The best role description for a revolution is this: Complete that which needs completion. Zen see what happens.