Part 5: GaslightingAssange, Of Course We Respect Legal Confidentiality.

Jude Fleming
2 min readApr 23, 2020


Assange was surveilled by at least three countries on a granular level.

No one wants a camera in their bathroom while they are popping pimples, moving bowels, picking their noses or grooming their private parts. No one wants a microphone in their bathroom while they bathe, move bowels, urinate, tooth brush, belch or pass wind. Why? We all want our dignity preserved and to have surveillance at that level is overly intrusive.

How about our kitchens? Our bedrooms? Our children’s rooms and living spaces? How about our offices and lounge areas? How about our digital lives? Phone content? Camera content? Could any of it be used as blackmail or shaming?

How about our doctors’ appointments, psychologist/psychiatrist/counsellor visits? How about our driving, walking, purchases, our speed or our resting?

Assange’s privacy was violated for years on this granular level.

His private meetings with his lawyers, violated.

His medical check ups, violated.

His privileged legal documents, photographed and shared. His right to self defence, violated.

All of his belongings were raided and removed from his refuge at Ecuador’s embassy in London UK. When a person’s every interaction with others, and even alone, are raided then recorded there is a fundamental breach of that person’s human rights. They cannot defend themselves.

Could alleged misbehaviour of the C.I.A. be helpful to Assange?

For Britain to plow ahead with the US Extradition process, despite the unfathomable privacyraid (a term I coined in 2011), then claim to protect Assange’s right to a fair trial, is GaslightingAssange. Legal privilege is one of the oldest principles (year 1577, Burr V. Lovelace) of the law profession, yet the UK and US are steam rolling the case forward as if Assange’s right to legal confidentiality is optional, not essential.

Craig Murray wrote about it here.

There can be no fair trial if Assange’s legal meetings and conversations with confidantes was raided. Equality before the law in the UK? Not a chance.

The same would happen if Assange were extradited to the US. To exclude Assange from foundational legal precepts and practices is to undermine the justice system permanently. Julian Assange has zero chance of winning his case in the US. The forecast for justice from the US Department of Justice is zero.

US Department of Justice 2019 Performance Appraisal




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