Modus Operandi for Murdering Julian Assange: Kissinger quote “The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer”
Britain is learning a few bad habits and legal lessons from the United States. It is using “lawfare” (one country tampering with another country’s courts, judiciary and politics) in order to achieve the permanent elimination of due process and life of Julian Assange.
Many years ago Henry Kissinger was quoted as saying:
“The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer” in response to the issue of Freedom of Information requests, press freedom and the importance of suppressing Truth.
Link to Plus D archive where Kissinger is quoted.
Fight for Assange like your access to porn depends on it; like your child’s future depends on it or your own freedom depends on it.
Assange embodies the best of journalism, fact finding, truth-disclosing and self sacrifice for the higher purpose of humanity and the arc of justice which bends toward Truth.
Eliminating Assange using illegal loopholes, arbitrary detention, deliberate exposure to a killer virus and keeping him in a near hypothermic state is the fantasy of dictators, sociopaths and sadists like Gina Haspel of the C.I.A.
That is my thought for today on the matter. I have done a considerable amount of writing on this topic over the past 2 years. Please take some time this weekend to review my work.
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