Part 2: GaslightingAssange Series, “No One is Above the Law”

Jude Fleming
2 min readApr 22, 2020


If “in the United Kingdom, no one is above the law”, Assange should not be in jail and many UK politicians, contractors and lawyers should face Justice for their corruption, mobbing, torture and judicial perversions which have harmed Julian Assange who is at the apex of US and UK revenge.

Media and UK authorities have muddied the waters and brought confusion regarding the actual legal proceedings with respect to UK Law. Take a moment to read this crucial background. Assange should never have been detained in 2010, nor have the detention protracted to a decade long stand-off.

ICYMI, read annex of CPS emails to learn the behind-the-scenes corruption.

Bail Infraction Ruse

According to international law, a person is entitled to seek asylum if s/he has a legitimate fear of persecution, torture, extrajudicial killing or threat to their liberty. After Assange walked away from the card-shark judiciary of UK injustice, exhausting all of his legal options in Britain, he went to Ecuador’s embassy in London UK to seek asylum. This was not an illegal act, yet this unpredicted action was marketed by UK authorities/media as an evasion of justice. It was no such thing.

Assange had “reasonable cause” because he sought protection from inevitable extradition to the United States with a stop-over in Sweden. Seeking asylum is not a crime. It was an inconvenience for UK’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

While Assange’s case was being litigated in the UK, its extradition laws were being revised to reflect proportionality and fairness toward someone accused of a crime in a European country. There were scores of European Arrest Warrant (EAW) cases in the UK justice system alongside Assange’s case. My research and legal findings demonstrate that Assange’s case was treated differently from those other EAW cases, and that if it had been dealt with in accordance of “equality before the law”, his case would have been dismissed based on the revised UK laws. It was not. His case was rigged for a negative outcome and I coined the term “Assange Exclusion Clause” to summarize it.

Please jump to Part 3 of this GaslightingAssange series.

GaslightingAssange Compulsory Reading :

These articles provide important background and context to the mind-fuck on Assange, his supporters, lawyers and Global Citizens. It is a highly militarized psychological operation conducted by US and UK intelligence agencies, technologies, spies, diplomats, government representatives and media consultancies. Assange is a single human being up against an army of hostile forces.

Lissa Johnson, Clinical Psychologiston WSWS site.

Debunking all the Assange Smears by Caitlin Johnstone.

Lancet by @Doctors4Assange article here via WSWS.

Nils Melzer’s Full Report

Integrity Initiative international PsyOps (psychological operations which recruits journalists to write hit pieces on political targets).



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